Local Resources dlr
As a Community Facility we are committed to directing our community members to resources they may require and as part of this policy the following links have been developed and will continue to be added to and updated.
If you operate or know of a beneficial local resource you would like us to add to our site please contact us.
preschool and childcare links

Early Childhood Ireland
is the leading organisation in the sector for the provision of quality experiences in early learning and care settings and for school-aged children.
Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Childcare Committee
it is an organisation that works in partnership with childcare providers and delivers national funding programmes on behalf of DCEDIY locally in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown.

Dlr Libraries Babies
love books scheme
is a book gifting scheme brought to you by dlr Libraries. Every child born in the county of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown is entitled to collect their free book bag at their local library.
Young people & Youth Work links
Crosscare Youth
Information Service
is part of Crosscare Youth Services and is primarily aimed at young people aged 15–25 years old to provide them with psychological support to deal with a variety of issues.

is Ireland’s youth information and support platform, working towards an Ireland where all young people are supported and empowered to thrive.
it is an organisation that provides therapeutic services to young people aged 12 to 25, promoting their mental health by providing support in the development of all aspects of their lives.

Youthreach Sallynoggin
is a centre for education and sport offering young learners the opportunity to explore and achieve their potential in a safe, respectful and responsible environment.
Parent support links
it is an organisation that works to promote and improve the safety and wellbeing of children in Ireland.

is a national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, information and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues.
it is a National organisation for one-parent families, people sharing parenting or separating. Organisation offering support, information and services to all one-parent families.
Over 55’s support links

Age Action
is Ireland’s leading organisation campaigning for the rights of older people and ageing.
it is an organization that advocates for the rights of older people and improves services for this population group.

Bealtaine Festival
Ireland’s national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age.
Bealtaine is an Age & Opportunity Arts initiative, funded by the Arts Council and the HSE.
University of the Third Age
Monkstown U3A promotes lifelong learning and active, creative ageing for older people in local communities through education, meeting new people and having fun.

Sage Advocacy
provides services to protect the rights of older people to receive care at home if they wish to remain in their own apartments.
Third age Ireland
is a national voluntary organisation celebrating the third age in life when people may no longer be in paid employment, but can remain healthy, fulfilled and continue to contribute to society.

Engaging Dementia
Here you will find information about living well with dementia. Our evidence-based courses help with communication and engagement.
General Community links
Dlr Community
We strive to promote the well-being and prosperity of our county and ensure that the needs of our citizens are met effectively and efficiently.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
County Council
it is one of three local authorities; their responsibilities include housing, community, roads and transportation urban planning and development, amenities, culture and environment in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown county.
Southside Partnership DLR
The principle programmes that we deliver are Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP), the Local Area Employment Service, Tús Community Work Placement and Community Employment Programme.

Southside Partnership DLR
The Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Participation Network (sometimes shortened to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown PPN or DLR PPN) is an independent network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations, active in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County area.
Careers Portal
The organization provides information and tools to support life-management continuity and help develop career management skills.


Adult Education Service
Dundrum and Dun Laoghaire
our courses provide new learning opportunities that lead to employment, self-development or progression to further study.
Dún Laoghaire HSE
is a large organisation of over 100,000 people, whose job is to run all of the public health services in Ireland.

Public Health Nursing in Dún Laoghaire
The Public Health and Community Nursing service provides a range of personal health and social care services to eligible persons in the community.

Addiction support services

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Drug and Alcohol Task Force
The DLR Drug and Alcohol Task Force (DLR – DATF).
We oversee and coordinate the local implementation of the National Drug Strategy in accordance with identified needs in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown.
Alcoholics Anonymous
is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Get in touch
Join us!
We look forward to meeting you, arrange a viewing around and answer all your questions.
01 663 61 31
01 254 72 85
Meadowland Avenue
Dun Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
A96 KR65
Copyring © 2020 Mounttown Community Facility CLG . CHY No. 19758. Company Registration No. 483640.
Company registered in Dublin.